Creative Direction | Design | Project Management
As a Creative Director I'm primarily focused on managing a wide range of creative requests from numerous departments or clients, while motivating a team of highly skilled creative professionals. I thrive leading teams of designers and editors to create high level work on a consistent basis.
I am proud of the skills I have gained throughout my career as a leader in Digital Design. I have managed and designed for print, motion graphics, social media, video production and web. I have also led brand creation and the re-branding for a variety of businesses, creating designs that would stand out to the target audience for each.
In my free time I try to help people by using art to open their eyes to the beauties of life that often get overlooked. I do this through the 501c3 nonprofit, Beauty Beyond Borders, that I founded in 2011.
You may also find me on-stage or backstage at my local community theatre. The organization I am a member of focuses on musical theatre and as the busy-body that I am I often audition for roles while also accepting the responsibility of being the show's producer.
I love living in New England and having all four seasons to enjoy a variety of outdoor activities!
I am a thinker. A problem solver. A creative - in every sense of the word.