Celtics time-lapse campaign


This design style was used for the entire 2013-2014 season and was able to be refreshed throughout the year with different time-lapse shots for different seasons. This allowed the spots to be more topical, while maintaining a consistent look.

Project Info
Comcast SportsNet
Design the overall look for the ongoing series of Celtics promotional spots.
Designer, Editor

To create the graphic look for the 2013 – 2014 Celtics season’s promo spots, we shot a collection of time-lapses around Boston with a slow shutter speed. I then color corrected motion blur of the red taillights to a Celtics green.

These shots were used as accent features and the end-page backgrounds throughout the season. I came up with the original design for this campaign, was part of shooting the content and helped design and edit the final pieces.